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作者: 发布时间:2005-10-18 点击数:
厦门大学经济学院教学科研人员招聘启事 厦门大学是由著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生于1921年创办,是中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学,也是中国目前惟一地处经济特区的教育部直属综合性大学和211工程、985工程重点建设的高校。 厦门大学经济学科具有悠久的历史,著名经济学家、前厦门大学校长王亚南教授数十年的精心培育,为厦门大学经济学科奠定了深厚的根基。目前,经济学院拥有金融学、政治经济学、财政学和统计学4个国家重点学科,1个教育部普通高校人文社科重点研究基地——宏观经济研究中心,1个国家级经济学基础人才培养基地。厦大经济学科在学科建设、人才培养和科研工作等始终处于国内同行领先地位。 根据发展需要,学院公开招聘一批受过现代经济学严格训练的学术带头人和青年学者,涉及学科包括宏观经济学、微观经济学、计量经济学、数理经济学、财政学、劳动经济学、金融学、统计学、经济信息管理、投资决策分析、政治经济学、产业经济学、区域经济学、国际贸易等。申请者必须拥有国外或国内研究型大学的博士学位,根据各自条件可以申请讲师、副教授,正教授和特聘教授。学校将根据申请人的条件,特别是教育背景、教学经验、学术论文的质量和数量以及国内外同行的评价,按照厦门大学的有关规定,给予相应职位与待遇。特别优秀者,将由厦门大学校长直接决定其薪酬。此外,学院将为具有国外2年以上留学和教学经验的应聘者在第一个任期内提供比学校确认的聘任职务高一个职务级别的薪酬、住房补贴与科研启动费,为聘用人员提供良好的教学科研环境(包括科研启动经费),提供与国内外学术界广泛、频繁和深入的交流机会。 厦门大学所在的厦门岛素有“海上花园”之称。厦门市地处中国东南沿海,交通便利,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,是全国卫生城市,曾获联合国“世界花园城市”和“全世界最适宜人类居住城市”的称号。我们欢迎有志之士前来厦门大学经济学院共襄盛举,共同促进厦门大学和中国经济学的发展。有兴趣申请者请将个人简历和申请表发送到赖春燎老师的电子邮箱:lcliao@xmu.edu.cn,联系电话:0592-2182365。传真:0592-2186340 欢迎访问厦门大学经济学院网站http:// se.xmu.edu.cn/econ.asp。(申请表可到我院网站下载。) 厦门大学经济学院 2006年9月19日 Recruitment of Teaching and Research Faculty The School of Economics, Xiamen University Xiamen University, founded in 1921 by Mr. Tan Kah Kee, a famous Overseas Chinese Leader, is the first university in the history of modern Chinese education established by an overseas Chinese. It was listed among the 14 “Comprehensive Universities Affiliated to the Ministry of Education” as early as in 1960s, and is currently the only CUAME university that’s located in a Special Economic Zone. It’s also listed for key construction under “Project 211” and “Project 985”. The disciplines of economics at Xiamen University have a remarkable history of 85 years. With decades of hard wok, Prof. Wang Yanan, a well-known economist and former President of Xiamen University, laid a solid foundation for the development of the disciplines of economics at Xiamen University. At present the School has 2 Doctoral Programs in Class A Disciplines of Applied Economics and Theoretical Economics, 2 Post-Doctoral Research Centers, 4 State Key Disciplines of Banking, Political Economy, Public Finance and Statistics, 1 State Key Research Base in the Humanities and Social Science—the Macroeconomics Research Center, and 1 State Educational Center for Basic Talent in Economics. The School has been leading in its realm in disciplinary construction, talent cultivation and scientific research. Through discipline reconstruction in recent years, a fundamental teaching and SR system has been established for the disciplines. With the rapid development, the School plans to recruit a group of academic leaders and young scholars from home and abroad who have received strict training in modern economics, including fields of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Econometrics, Mathematical Economics, Public Finance(Public Economics), Labor Economics, Banking, Statistics, Economic Information Management, Investment Decision Analysis, Political Economy, Industrial Economics, Regional Economics, International Trade, etc. The applicants are required to hold a doctoral degree from a research-oriented university at home or abroad. They may apply for posts of lecturer, associate professor, professor, or chair professor. They may be recruited by the University in light of their educational background, teaching experience, quality and quantity of academic writings, and appraisal from their colleagues at home and abroad. If they are recruited, the School shall, in line with the relevant regulations of Xiamen University, offer them corresponding titles, posts and other privileges. For those who are extraordinarily excellent, their compensations will be directly decided by the President of Xiamen University. If applicants with doctoral degrees in Economics from overseas research-oriented universities are recruited, the School shall, in the first contract period, offer them the compensation and housing subsidy of the title one class higher than that of the title the University affirmed with the applicants. In addition, the School shall maintain an excellent teaching and research environment (including the start-up funds for scientific research), create rich academic atmosphere, and provide opportunities for frequent, extensive, and profound exchange with academies at home and abroad. Xiamen Island, where Xiamen University is located, is known as “a Garden on the Sea”. Xiamen is on the southeast coast of China with convenient traffic and a mild climate, neither too cold in winter, nor too hot in summer. Xiamen is a National Sanitary City and has been granted the titles of the “Garden City in the World” and the “City Most Suitable for Human Habitation in the World” from the United Nations. Persons with lofty ideas are welcome to join us in a joint effort to work for a greater future for Xiamen University and to promote the development of Chinese economics. If you are interested in the openings, please send your curriculum vitae to lcliao@xmu.edu.cn, or through our fax at 86-592-2186340, or contact Mr. Lai Chunliao through 86-592-2182390. For more information and downloading the application form, please visit our website http://se.xmu.edu.cn. School of Economics Xiamen University Date: Sep. 10, 2006